Recent research has focused on the presence and role of living microorganisms in the atmosphere (aerobiology). They influence environmental factors as well as human health and have become an issue in the context of biotechnology. In the search for their applicability, research is concerned with understanding the metabolic activity in clouds, ways of improving the air quality around us, dealing with airborne pathogens and medicinal agents.
In an emerging Tableau Vivant, the question arises of how we can be alienated by exchanging substances in the air, but also what role does our existing knowledge play in dealing with it? To do this, it is necessary to ask questions that examine both our emotional level and our physical condition in contact with these supposedly emerging biotechnological substances. Consequently, we have to create a language in order to communicate between the certain objectivity of science and new technologies and the subjectivity in our everyday life.
On the topic of air, we conducted two workshops at the CityLab in Berlin-Tempelhof in November 2019, which were designed in collaboration with Clemens Winkler.
The following video shows the results of the workshop LUFTSTOFF and gives an insight into the experiences and thoughts of the workshop participants.
Results of the workshop participants
Within the workshops, the participants were instructed to develop short stories and objects in order to condensate new information, food for thought and ideas. Through the exchange and discussion in small groups, individual attitudes and convictions could be reflected and expanded.
The triangle represents our field of discourse. It shows excerpts of what we talked about in the workshops with the participants and what thoughts the topic of air triggered in them.
Was der Mensch mit Luft machen kann